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So far rayonicssales has created 8 blog entries.

Some problems prone to electronic locks

The lock has always been a kind of device in people’s mind to ensure the safety of property, but so far, people have not created a lock that can completely guarantee the safety of property.

Security issues:
The lock has always been a kind of device in people’s mind to ensure

2021-08-30T01:12:08+00:00August 30, 2021|Categories: Tips|

Why are the popular smart locks equipped with a lock cylinder?

At this stage, with the continuous popularity of smart locks , everyone ’s understanding of smart locks is not unfamiliar. However, in fact, most people still have a vague understanding of smart locks. Therefore, there are more and more questions about smart locks. Among them, there is a question that consumers are worried about, that is, “A

2021-08-30T01:00:31+00:00August 30, 2021|Categories: Articles|

Acceptance of Shanghai Information Pipeline Project

Rayonics won the bid for the intelligent manhole cover project of Shanghai Information Pipeline Co., Ltd.on June 1, 2020. Shanghai Information Pipeline Co., Ltd. is a company dedicated to the management of underground pipeline resources, including mobile, telecommunications, China Unicom, and Wasu. Even some companies such as national defense fiber

2021-05-07T02:35:50+00:00January 27, 2021|Categories: News|

Rayonics launches the intelligent access control renovation project of the Heilongjiang Tower

The scene of Heihe Tower

White mountains and black waters, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting, different from the graceful and beautiful Jiangnan, but also a fascinating place, that is Heilongjiang.

Ningbo Rayonics, through its strategic partner Wuhan Guangxun Company, undertook the intelligent access

2021-08-30T00:52:48+00:00December 16, 2020|Categories: News|

Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant’s radiation protection special intelligent lock control system project was successfully completed

In October of the golden autumn of 2020, the “Qinshan Second Nuclear Power Plant Radiation Protection Special Key Intelligent Management System Project” undertaken by Ningbo Rui’ao IOT Technology Co., Ltd. has been successfully completed after 30 days of preparation and 7 working days of on-site equipment installation and commissioning!

2021-08-12T02:22:33+00:00October 12, 2020|Categories: News|

Myanmar IGT Communication Tower Locking Control Project was successful

In February 2019, Myanmar’s largest communications tower company IRRAWADDY GREEN TOWER, referred to as IGT, directly contacted REO, and asked whether REO’s lock control system can meet the requirements of communication base station (BTS) key management, personnel management, workflow management and distribution The need for integrated asset management.

According to statistics

2021-05-07T02:34:50+00:00February 20, 2019|Categories: News|
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